Poets in Print

November 2009: Karyna McGlynn, James Shea & Nate Slawson

Saturday, November 21, 2009

KBAC Gallery
7:00 p.m.

Karyna McGlynn, James Shea & Nate Slawson with broadsides by Vicki VanAmeyden, Katie Platte & Jeff Rybicki.



McGlynn by VanAmeyden

Poet: Karyna McGlynn
Artist: Vicki VanAmeyden
Poem: Betsey Johnson



Shea by Platte

Poet: James Shea
Artist: Katie Platte
Poem: Poem by Tolstoy



Slawson by Rybicki

Poet: Nate Slawson
Artist: Jeff Rybicki
Poem: You are amplifier



Karen McGlynn

Karen McGlynn was born and raised in Austin, TX and received her MFA from the University of Michigan, where she received a Hopwood Award and was selected by Tony Hoagland for a Zell Postgraduate Fellowship. Her first book, I Have to Go Back to 1994 and Kill a Girl, won the 2008 Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry from Sarabande Books, and her third chapbook, Small Shrines, is forthcoming from Cinematheque Press. Recent poems have appeared in Fence, Denver Quarterly, ACM, Octopus, POOL, Typo, Copper Nickel and Forklift, Ohio. Karyna is currently the Claridge Writer-in-Residence at Illinois College. She edits L4: The Journal of the New American Epigram with Adam Theriault.

James Shea

James Shea is the author of Star in the Eye, selected for the 2008 Fence Modern Poets Series and named as a Favorite Book of 2008 by the Chicago Sun-Times. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, he has published poems in various journals, including American Letters and Commentary, Boston Review, Crazyhorse, jubilat, The Canary, and Verse. He is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the poetry program at Columbia College Chicago.

Nate Slawson

Nate Slawson edits the online magazine dear camera and designs books for Cinematheque Press. He is the author of the chapbook a mixtape called zooey deschanel (Line4, 2009), and his work has appeared or is forthcoming in Copper Nickel, H_NGM_N, diode, Typo, Forklift, Ohio, Cannibal, DIAGRAM, and other places. He lives in Chicago.