Edible Book Festival

Online Contest: April 2020: Edible Book Festival

April 3April 5, 2020


 KBAC joins libraries and book arts centers from around the world in this delightful April Fool’s celebration of the art of the book! The Edible Book Festival is celebrated in over 20 countries including Australia, Brazil, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, and Russia.

The KBAC's Edible Book Festival was a bit different this year! 

Since were are all staying healthy at home, in 2020 we had an online version of our Edible Book Festival! 

Our winner was 10 year old Caleb with his entry Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever (a theme that resonated with us all!)

A special thanks to our 2020 sponsors including:

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